Wanderlust Spirit Took Anu Besson from Finland to Perth, West Australia

Hi, who are you?

Hi there, my name is Anu Besson. I live in Perth, Western Australia. Originally I’m from Finland, but I don’t really have a home town there – my family moved a lot due to my dad’s work when I was growing up. I have often wondered if that sparked the wanderlust in me, or would I have become who I am even if growing up rooted in one spot. I love travelling, nature, reading, writing, studying, new experiences and also interacting in social media (which involves defending causes I believe in on online forums!). Naturally I also love my hansom husband; my family and relatives back in Finland, and my friends in both Finland and Australia.

How did you end up in Perth of all places?

Half planning, half chance. I have known since my teenage years that I want to see more of this world than just my backyard. Since I turned 18, I saved all my money, travelled around Scandinavia first, then around Europe, then I undertook exchange studies in Hungary and Canada and added some travelling to these periods too.

In Finland, I studied an assortment of subjects related to visual arts, culture, communication and history. I loved studying, but after graduating with my Master’s degree I felt that my life stagnated. By 2010, when I was in my late 20’s, I was really unhappy with pretty much everything in Finland: my job, my dull city, my dull and middle-aged life, living far away from my friends due to my partner’s studies, the weather, the long nights of each winter, the whining and pessimistic Finns depressed by the said long winter… Finally I decided it’s time for a complete turnaround in my life.

In 2011, I sold all my belongings, quit my job, took a leap of faith and boarded a plane to Perth, Australia. I craved for a change and adventure. I had never been to Australia. Sunny Perth sounded like as good place as any. In my pocket I had a working holiday visa for a year, but no longer-term security. All I had was bucketful of Finnish sisu: determination, persistence and courage to make it. This major change led me to end my then long-term relationship, because I realized it wasn’t what I was looking for.

What is the essence of Perth and Australia to you?

Australia is all about the great outdoors and sunny, jolly, carefree people. Aussies absolutely love outdoor activities like camping, fishing, surfing, swimming, picnics, barbecues, outdoor sports… Perth has a Mediterranean climate of dry, hot summers and mild, rainy winters; spring and autumn in between are picture perfect outdoor seasons. Perth’s also one of the sunniest cities in the world with 200 days of average annual sunshine, and that keeps people positive and relaxed.

In Australia, life is good for most people. Of course same issues exist here than everywhere else: you can’t fully eradicate poverty, violence, drugs, homelessness, racism… But by and large, Australia is one of the happiest, wealthiest countries on earth, where a comfortable life is quite easily secured, if you are willing to be industrious and work for it. Australia is not called “the lucky country” for nothing.

The nature of Down Under is breathtaking. The sea, beaches, cliffs, bushland, outback, rainforests… not to mention all the cutsie animals such as kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, wombats, dolphins and the little furry fellows I had never heard of before: quokkas, potoroos and alike, which are like a cross breed between a bunny and a kangaroo.

Australia is famous for the beach lifestyle and for the tanned, blonde, fit surfer guys and gals. Aussies in general are very much into sports: either by doing sports or watching sports on telly – or both. Australia is a vibrant melting pot of almost all of the nationalities of the world, and for me it’s a merry mix of European, South East Asian, Indian, Chinese and Pacific cultures, traditions, influences and cuisine, all stirred happily together under the mellow (and at times scorching!) Australian sun.

Is it easy to find a job in Australia? What’s your job like?

As a foreigner it’s always harder to convince the potential employer that you are as good as or even better than natives; you don’t have the same contacts or social and professional networks. The authenticity of your qualifications will be unfairly questioned (because they are foreign). Aussies trust recommendations and references: it’s essential to quickly find a reliable referee (recommender) who’s willing to put in a favorable word for you.

There’s a lot of competition in the job market, because Australia is seen as the golden land by many Europeans and Asians: during economic boom times, young adults flock in from every corner of the world. This is of course in addition to Aussie job seekers. In Australia, personal contacts matter a lot. Jobs are often found through social networks, or through relentless searching and phoning. Never email, always call, or if possible, visit in person to drop in your resume and have a chat.

I found a job much more easily than expected, due to the huge mining boom and the ensuing demand for professional workforce back in 2011. Now the boom is over and times are much tougher. I have worked in the same job since I arrived: as a compliance professional on a legal and risk management area. My job is very detail-oriented, which easily makes it tedious and repetitive. It’s not what I had in mind when I arrived, but I consider myself lucky to have found such a steady well-off deal.

How do you see Aussies being different from your countrymen especially in business– also culturally, what stands out in your chosen profession?

The biggest difference – that I am still adjusting to after four years – is how friendly, sociable, considerate and polite Aussies are at work. Social life and work life are much more mixed than in Finland, where people usually socialize only with their families and close friends, and the relationships with colleagues often remain a bit distant and business-like.

In Australia, it’s common to bring your spouse or family to after-work events and usually colleagues get to know your family at least by name if not better. If someone goes on parental leave, they’ll soon bring their new offspring to the workplace for everyone to greet and admire. Colleagues also always organize a collection of small donations amongst themselves to buy a set of gifts to the new baby of an employee.

Aussies like to socialize over sundowners, aka after-work drinks, and also through sports. I play sports in a number of different social leagues, which means friendly games in mixed teams of guys and gals playing together. It’s also possible to become close friends with your colleagues and even with their friends or partners, because you get to meet these ‘second tier friends’ in all sorts of social events and gatherings. For example, I’ve been invited to my colleagues’ birthdays and housewarming parties; and I have also organized similar parties, where friends from different social circles mix and socialize happily.

Finns are easily seen as a bit clinical, business like, direct and even rude in an Aussie business world, because for a Finn, work is work and it’s about getting things done efficiently, and social circles are what exist outside of work, with your ‘real’ friends. I have had to consciously practice small talk, smiling, holding an eye contact, personal warmth and friendliness – not that I wouldn’t know how to be friends, I just wasn’t used to being so warm and friendly at the very first meeting. It’s a big social no no to be on an openly bad mood at work. Finns might think it’s honest to show how you really feel, but Aussies think it’s a sign of a selfish jerk if you can’t maintain a polite exterior in a business environment.

What would be your dream job?

I would love to work for a “greater cause”, for something that I consider really meaningful – what would make me feel excited and charged every morning. There are plenty of charitable causes I’d like to work for. However, I also appreciate financial security after years of shaky financial status as a student. I haven’t yet found a dream job that would be both thrilling and financially secure (if such a job exists…). I am the director of Perth Finnish School and I also teach adult groups there, so I do have a chance to volunteer for a good cause.

My current job does offer something that is a component of a dream job: flexibility and financial security, which I equate with freedom. I have a comfortable salary and a reasonably flexible employer. I am able to take more holidays than normally; and on top of it, an occasional day off when I need one. Australia is a great place to work for an educated professional, because jobs requiring university degrees are often very well paid. It does take a lot of persistence, trial and error – and luck – to land on a good deal though.

What do you absolutely miss from your country?

From Finland, I miss what every single expat Finn on earth misses: salmiakki, i.e. salty licorice. It’s a specialty which is very difficult to find anyplace else, at least in as great varieties and quantities as in Finland. I also miss nature, such as the pristine lakes and dark green pine and spruce forests, the delicate white birches, the timid greenness of spring, the fireworks of autumn colours; and Christmas wrapped in snow, quiet darkness and candlelight. Christmas under a decorated palm tree is just not the same.

When I’m not in Australia I miss the happy chit-chat and the easygoing, friendly socialness of Aussies; the relaxed chirping of parrots and other birds, the golden colour of sunlight, and the never-ending summer. For a Finn, Perth doesn’t have a winter. Yes, they call the cooler rainy season winter but it really isn’t. Not without proper below zero degrees and frost and snow. There’s never snow in Perth but you might catch some frost for a few days per year. Not a convincing winter for someone who’s originally from the Arctic Circle!

Obviously, I also miss people from both countries. Luckily today it’s quite easy to stay in touch via social media, email and skype, and upload photos to Facebook, Instagram and my blog to keep everyone updated.

Where do you recommend tourists to go to in Australia/Finland and why?

In Finland, visiting Lapland is a must. Lapland is a showstopper in winter and a fascinating region even during summer. You’ll see wild reindeer herding in the vast, beautiful barren and melancholic landscape, and you’ll forget all the stress and buzz of the modern urban life. In winter, try staying in Kemi Snow Castle, an ice and snow hotel decorated by ice carvings and built from a scratch every year. The room temperature is -5C!

Finland is a land of hundreds of thousands of lakes, all surrounded by forests, and it boasts four very different seasons with a distinctive vibe each. It’s an amazing country to visit for a nature lover. You don’t even have to seek a “remote” area to experience nature: normally, a 15-30 minute drive out of any city will land you to the edge of forest, and off you go, exploring. Always carry a map and a compass though if you’re not familiar with trekking. In autumn, you can eat wild blueberries and raspberries straight from the bush, and try Finnish specialties: wild lingonberries (like small cranberries) and cloudberries (like tart, yellow raspberries in an individual stem each). Camp at a lakeshore in a forest overnight if you can; it will be an experience you’ll never forget. Finding a simple cottage to rent is easy, or you can even take a tent, if you’re more adventurous.

Australia in turn is a perfect combination of vibrant, lively cities and beautiful nature. You’ll easily find equally white sand beaches and turquoise water as in “more exotic” destinations such as Vanuatu or Fiji. In Western Australia, all the beaches around Perth are well worth visiting. For more exotic vistas, drive all the way to Esperance – the home town of the world-famous Twilight Beach – and visit the Fitzgerald National Park on your way, preferably in spring. The bushland blooms vibrantly in August-November, and it’s an amazing wonder to witness: the dry landscape sparks alive with thousand hues of green, yellow, orange, red and lilac.

In Perth, visit any small coffee shop and you’re in for a treat. Coffee in Australia is consistently very good, because Aussies take their coffee seriously. Almost every coffee shop sells delicious freshly baked goods and a massive slice of moist cake or a lemon merengue pie will definitely make your day. Sample some gourmet burgers for lunch – there are a number of small independent burger places to choose from – and hit the town for night in any small quirky bar selling craft beer or a wide selection of Australian and international wines to choose from.

What has been the worst social or cultural issue to deal with in Australia for you?

Facing racism has been completely unexpected. I myself have mostly been spared, probably because I’m a white European female, i.e. perceived as “fitting in” and harmless. Even though Aussies in general are a jolly and jovial bunch, there are some rotten eggs in the basket: the xenophobic, islamophobic and downright racists. My husband faces racism more often than me, because for some reason French are not always as well received as Finns. Paris has a reputation of being the capital city of the arrogant and rude, and this is sometimes unfairly reflected on my lovely husband before people get to know him.

At the beginning, I received some hints about being slow or stupid, if I couldn’t immediately understand or reply in English, or people didn’t understand my accent. That really frustrated me, because the people belittling me were always the ones who had never learned another language, hadn’t travelled much, and yet they felt superior just because they were born and raised here. These encounters are rare though.

In the society’s scale, I’d say the most challenging social issues are the status of the Aboriginals, and the prevalent drug use in Perth. Aboriginals in turn have traditionally suffered from racism and also from clash of cultures, as they have not had a clear direction what to do and how to live in this new, urban world. Drugs came into the picture during Perth’s mining boom, which lasted almost a decade and it resulted in heaps of free flowing money, and unfortunately many people developed a taste for drugs.

Knowing more about life and having lived with your decisions for a while (like study/work) – would you still choose to be there and why or why not?

Let me start with a bit of a detour. I like to read about popularized quantum physics because I’m really interested in the big questions such as how the universe came to be, why it exists and is there a bigger meaning behind all this. I just read an article about how quantum physicists have found that the linearity of time is not as clear cut as we might perceive with our human senses. In the quantum world, it appears that sometimes a consequence can precede the cause; i.e. the future determines the past.

It’s incredibly fascinating, even though I don’t claim I fully understand this stuff. But it does make me wonder, what if the future really affects the past somehow? Throughout my life I’ve felt that there’s been a storyline unfolding, and the events that happened in the past make a lot of sense when I reach a point in future when I can see the full pattern. Of course I realise it might just be me trying to make sense of everything, and trying to see even negative events in a positive light. But I do believe we can learn from every decision and action we take and every event that happens to us.

Knowing what I know now about my life, I wouldn’t change anything. I studied a mix of artsy subjects which haven’t helped me much workwise, and at some stage I thought I had made a poor choice. But later on I realized that through my art history studies I acquired heaps of Dan Brown and Da Vinci Code type material to write the novel I’ve been dreaming about. I’m currently working on it and hopefully will get it published someday – sooner rather than later.

Also, before I came to Australia, I had a plan to work in international politics in Brussels (I’m a Greens voter), but I didn’t manage to make it happen. If I had taken that path, I would have never met the love of my life here in Perth and I wouldn’t have got the other positive things I have in my life now. What matters the most is that I now feel that I’m at home, emotionally. I’ve arrived to where I’m supposed to be.

Would you stay in Australia – yes or no?

I can easily see myself living in Australia for the rest of my life. We just bought our first own home – a cozy little apartment at the fringe of the city – and life seems full of opportunities here.

However, I live by the rule “never say never”. My husband is French and I’m a Finn, even though we are both about to obtain also Australian citizenships. Maybe someday moving back to Europe, closer to our families, will appeal to us. We both love travelling and new experiences, so lately we have been bouncing back and forth the idea of moving on from Perth; maybe to the east coast of Australia, maybe to New Zealand, maybe to Canada. Not necessarily for the rest or our lives, but for a few years, just to try it out. Time will tell. That’s the exciting thing about life. As the famous Finnish poet, J.L. Runeberg said circa 1850: viel’ uusi päivä kaikki muuttaa voi – there’s always the next day that can change everything.

How to connect with you:

Facebook: Life in English www.facebook.com/anulifeinenglish

Website: lifeinenglish-australia.blogspot.com.au/

Linkedin: Anu Besson

Instagram: @anumarji


San Francisco – Aug 28 2015

As this fabulous Summer comes to a close, let us have one more Fun Party where we can wear our summer dresses and our white khakis with bright colors.

The venue is the same as we had our Jazz happy hour, we received so many compliments that we want to see how this venue would be for some great dancing.
So come mingle and meet the new people freshly arrived in the the bay area from Europe. When you had enough of the chit chat please enjoy the newest House and EDM music played by our top Euro DJ’s residing in San Francisco.

Later in the Evening DJ Camms will take over on the wheels of steel to provide us with crystal clear house sounds of the USA.

No cover if you RSVP www.eurocircle.com  otherwise it will be $5 at the door (or EuroCircle San Francisco facebook event post).
Attire:  no shorts or baseball caps, but any summer inspired hipster gear is always encouraged.

Thank You so much and let the Summer Time last forever!

The Euro Circle Team.

Los Angeles – Aug 26 2015

Hi EuroCirclers!!We’re back!We’ve organised an eventful night at a sophisticated, book-lined bar featuring classic cocktails, old world ambience & a lively atmosphere. The Wellesbourne was voted one of the best bars in LA by The Travel Channel in June 2015.Complete with a fireplace, large leather sofas and chairs, wood panelling, a library and a game room, the Wellesbourne is more like a Victorian social club than a bar. Classy atmosphere aside, this welcoming gathering spot is manned by a crew of expert mixologists, who would just as soon concoct a custom cocktail as they would one of the many excellent drinks on the formal menu. Even that selection includes vintage drinks that you don’t see everywhere, chief among them the Harvey Wallbanger and the grasshopper.The Wellesbourne
10929 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064

On the night, The Wellesbourne has a LIVE band singing some amazing Latin/French numbers.

Let’s all put in some effort to make this a really big and successful event – invite all the people you know, bring with you friends, family and neighbours. Let’s let our hair down and have a great evening.

Please RSVP soon, we’d like to inform the management at the establishment.


See you all soon.


Sonny and Tanya

Atlanta – Sep 16 2015

Greetings fellow Eurocircle members:

We will meet at the bar of Antica Posta on Wednesday, Sep 16th for our monthly gathering – free valet parking and complimentary appetizers will be on hand. Please invite all your international & like-minded friends for a fun time – looking forward to seeing everyone next month!!!

Atlanta Eurocircle

Houston – Aug 26 2015

Come and relax…have a nice glass of Malbec with some tango in the background…enjoy a culinary experience from Argentina at Tango & Malbec. Enjoy the upscale space, marked by slick red, black and exposed brick accent, a balance between rustic charm & modern feel…You want to blend in, why not WEAR RED, BLACK OR BLACK & RED. 🙂

Members, please LOG IN with your email and password to sign up in the calendar

If you are not a member yet, REGISTER HERE — it is FREE.

Please note since Facebook has restricted access to a larger audience, we highly recommend to sign up and RSVP @ the EuroCircle website and also invite others via Facebook.

See you, Cheers

Shahla, Venere and Juliana
Email Us for ideas or to become part of team! Help is always greatly appreciated.
Meet EuroCircle Houston team


Austin – Aug 30 2015

Greetings beautiful EuroCirclers,

We’re really excited to host our next event at The Grove newest downtown location this August 30th. In a slight departure from our previous events, we’ll be hosting this event on a Sunday instead of a weekday. So come join our fun lot of Europeans and Europhiles and enjoy a great evening of chill atmosphere at breezy patio with great food, drink, and of course casual conversation.

We have extended the hours for the HH for our group (and actually the entire restaurant) for that day as well until at least 9pm, if not the entire evening!

Adnan & Emma

July 31 White Party photos are posted at Austin Page

SPECIAL NOTE: Starting July we will be requesting donations at every event in a suggested minimum amount of $5. The amount collected will be used to fund an awesome holiday party in December.  $5 donations are suggested but not mandatory. If you attend the events regularly and plan to attend the Christmas party – you know who you are -please consider the donation. As you all know I’m sure, there is no membership fee to participate in EuroCircle and we all want to keep it that way.
But the Austin entertainment venue market is competitive and it is especially tough to find a great venue in December that would host us for free. So chip in a little to keep the good parties coming! We’ll just be spending it on YOU!
Katalin Kiss – Read this Hungarian Master Stylist’s story.
Haute European Salon & Beauty Products
4533 Ruiz street Austin TX 78723
S: (512) 368-­‐5880
C: (512) 797-­‐9351

New York – Aug 27 2015

Photo Credit to our awesome photographer Salvatore Fabbri of  http://www.salvatorefabbri.com and and http://www.nyphotog.com as well as our NY Organizer Alexandra Spirer

Join EuroCircle for our End of Summer Yacht Party on board the hottest rooftop bar this summer the Zephyr Yacht at Pier 16, South Street Seaport.

We are (SOLD OUT) for the Yacht Party (if you are a ticket holder please see below) but please join us for the after party starting at 8:30pm at Hotel Chantelle – 92 Ludlow Street, NY, NY- which is free for everyone who says EuroCircle at the door.

Check-in will start at 5:45 and boarding will start at 6:15pm. We set sail at exactly 6:30pm. Enjoy a cash bar of custom made cocktails, drink specials, bar snacks and great music by DJ Chris Bachmann.

Take in the breathtaking 360 skyline views on any of their three decks and party alongside NYC’s sexiest crowd.

Dress Code: Summer Chic or Nautical (optional and not required)

Featured hosts:

Kristi Roosmaa, Estonia. She is a Singer, Actress and Cultural Advocate of Estonia. http://www.kristiroosmaa.com
Mina Deutsch of Mina D Jewelry
Sherry Kumar, Serbia

All ticket sales are final, no refunds will be offered!

***Please note that you will need your ID to board and this event is for 21 and over! This event will sell out so get your tickets early as ticket sales will be closed once we sell out!

We look forward to a fun night out on the Zephyr!


Alexandra and the EuroCircle New York Team

Vesa Suomalainen – Two Mobile Software Startups Run by Europeans in Seattle

Please introduce yourself ?

My name is Vesa Suomalainen – I was born & raised in Finland and presently reside in Seattle, WA. After high school, I joined the University of New Mexico cross-country ski team in Albuquerque, NM – and ended up in getting a degree in Computer Engineering while competing in the NCAA skiing circuit.

How did you end up in Seattle of all places?
After graduating from UNM, I worked for Nokia in Finland for a year – and was then recruited by a college buddy to a small software company in Seattle. I was the first Finnish full-time employee at the Microsoft headquarters which back then was comprised of just 6 small buildings.

What is the best and worst about Seattle for you…what is a typical day and weekend?

Best thing for me about Seattle is the weather & the nature. A perfect place for outdoor activity all year around. Traffic is the worst – if you have to commute around. Fortunately, I work out of home so I don’t have to deal with the traffic problems very often.

How do you find the lifestyle in Seattle compared to your hometown in Finland ?

I don’t miss the deep-freezing temps back in Finland. But I do miss the abundant light of Finnish summers. Finns should be pleased about getting free college education and health care, and perhaps not so much about the taxes to pay for it all.

How do you make your living now – and how would you like to develop that career?

I manage twoMOBILE SOFTWARE startups that I co-founded – Webscorer Inc. and TrackCC Inc. Webscorer covers race registration, race timing and race results – and TrackCC is designed to make teachers’ lives easier by tracking classroom attendance, behavior, home work and grading.
Our objective is to become #1 app on iOS and Android devices in both categories – a goal that should keep me busy for a long while.

I often refer to this quote by Bill Gates: ”Most people overestimate what they get done in one year and underestimate what they accomplish in ten years.” While this is true in most industries, it is especially applicable for software.

You must have the patience, persistence, perseverance and wherewithal make it to the 10-year mark to truly succeed in business. To put this in personal perspective, Webscorer just turned 6 in June 2015, and TrackCC will have its 2-year birthday in November 2015.

Do you see the differences between nationalities easily – yours vs. Americans vs. other Europeans?
Seattle is full of immigrants from all over – mixed with locals and Americans who’ve relocated here from other parts of the US. Nationalities matter little here, it’s your competence that counts. Our companies have 3 Finns, 1 Canadian and 2 Americans

Knowing more about life and having lived with your decisions for a while (like work) – would you still choose to be there and why? Why not.
I have no regrets, and would probably still make all the same choices along the way, knowing what I know now.

What would be your ideal life – with no monetary issues to make it happen!
I feel that a happy life is a balanced life – a mix of family time, hobbies, friends and work. My one hope is that I can stay healthy & fit both mentally and physically until well into the 80’s to continue to enjoy all those aspects. That’d be ideal.

Would you move back to Finland – yes or no ?
After more that 30 years in the US, it’d be difficult to move back. My daughter, hobbies, friends and work is here – the full list that creates an ideal life. There’s always a tipping point in time when you move to a new place – I did consider moving back to Finland in the early 1990’s but I am glad I stuck around.

How to connect with you:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/webscorer, www.facebook.com/trackcc
Website: www.webscorer.com
Website: www.trackcc.org
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/pub/vesa-suomalainen/3/b82/292
Twitter: www.twitter.com/webscorer

Nina Gonzalez-Lehto -A Local Childcare Consultant for an au pair agency in NYC

Please introduce yourself?

My name is Nina Gonzalez-Lehto and I work as an LCC, which stands for Local Childcare Consultant, for an au pair agency. I am originally from Finland and have lived in New York City for almost four years now. I originally came to the U.S as an au pair over 10 years ago and met my husband during my second au pair trip six years ago. We currently live in Queens, NY in Jackson Heights, which is a wonderful historic neighborhood with delicious food and beautiful gardens.

What is your typical workday like??

My typical day as an LCC starts with responding to inquiries from families interested in hosting an au pair. Many of them have found out about the au pair program online or through word of mouth. Au pair childcare provides up to 45 hours of childcare for an average of $360 per week with all agency fees and paperwork included, so it is often the most affordable childcare option available, especially in NYC, where a nanny can cost a family more than $700 weekly. However I do get requests from all over the country and have helped families from Seattle, Boston and San Francisco to find an au pair to name a few. I like to be involved in the matching process.
Depending on the registrations in my area, I might go interview a new family that has registered, to see if they are a good fit for the program and to mutually decide if this is the right childcare option for them. The au pairs provide childcare for the family, but as our program is an exchange program, our au pairs are also expecting to be treated as part of the family. I need to make sure that the family’s expectations are right.
Another part of my job is to do a welcome call to new au pairs in the area and to go over to do an orientation once they have arrived. I explain the program rules and answer any questions about the au pairs upcoming year. I also keep monthly contact with my host families and organize monthly meetings for the au pairs in my area. I am also the person, who provides support for the program participants if they were to experience any issues.

Who are the au pairs?
Au pairs are young men and women from all over the world, who want to experience life in America, while living with and working for a host family, providing childcare. All of our au pairs are CPR certified and come with different levels of childcare experience.

Outside of work, I like to spend time with my husband and our dog, go out for coffee or drinks with friends and occasionally binge on Netflix or Hulu.

When you think about what did you think about life in New York before you moved there – did you misconceptions that turned out to be wrong?

When me and my husband first decided to move to NY, I told him I would only live in Manhattan, no matter what the cost or the size of the apartment, but after living in a closet sized studio on the Upper East side, that needed major renovation and had no air conditioning, I finally agreed to my husbands wishes of moving to Queens, which is where he grew up. We ended up getting a wonderful apartment with a lot of space, that allowed us to take in our Pitbull-Boxer mix Barney and pay the same amount of money for this apartment that we paid for that tiny studio space that could not even accommodate guests. We are now located close to 5 major subway lines and I can get to Manhattan in 15 minutes. I was under the impression that Queens was “ghetto”, but I absolutely love our neighborhood and have enjoyed exploring other neighborhoods as well; Forest Hills for example is like it’s own little town with everything to offer.

What do you miss the most – and the least from your own country??

I miss winter and snow- In NYC the winters are windy and slushy. When it snows, everything stops and the trains don’t work. I do love the few days of snow we have here and I seem to be one of the only ones, who is excited when they announce in the news that there is a snowstorm approaching.

I also miss the food- It is difficult to find salmon that tastes like it does back in Finland and there is only one candy store I know of that sells Salmiakki, out national salty licorice candy, but they have a very limited selection.

The thing I miss the least is the September rain and fall depression, which my husband stated experiencing during our one year that we lived in Helsinki.

What should everyone know and understand about your country and its culture?
Us Finns are not very touchy feely when it comes to strangers. I still get anxious in a crowded subway over people standing too close to me and not giving any personal space. Also, we are ok with silence. We can sit next to a good friend in the car for 10 minutes without saying anything and it is not awkward for us.

What cafes or restaurants do you recommend to tourists to go to in NYC and why? Or to do something else.

The bar next door in the village has some great live jazz and you get a nice relaxing escape from the busy NYC life. For a weekend brunch, I recommend Three of Cups, which has amazing omelettes and a good deal for Mimosas. I also recommend people to take a train to Queens and experience a different side of New York. Did you know that Flushing Meadows Park was used as a background for the ending scene of the Men in black movie?

Would you move back to your country fulltime – yes or no (why and why not)?

I could definitely see myself moving back to Finland at some point, but not for a few years at least. I love the city and the energy it has and enjoy living and working here. I am excited to see what raising kids in NYC will be like and also want to experience hosting an au pair myself.

How to connect with you:

Email for inquiries about the au pair program:

Connect with Nina:
Email Nina
Nina @ LinkedIn

Live, Work and Play at the Shop Houses in Mueller Austin TX – Journey of a master hair stylist from Hungary


Haute European Salon owner Katalin Kiss made her way to Austin from Europe (Hungary) and is now Ecstatic to call Austin home. Katalin and her team at the Haute European Salon together bring 25 years of beauty salon expertise and strive to create a family experience for customers.

Services include haircuts, trims, coloring, styling, braiding, hair consulting, bridal services, up-do and additional aesthetician services for both adults and children. Katalin admits Mueller’s walk able and green community features were selling points when considering housing their business off Ruiz Street.

 “We’re excited about the vibrant community, energy and location. We want the salon to be a family experience for people in and around Mueller, Austin.”

Kati (as she is affectionately known as) grew up in Debrecen (Hungary) and was a very successful hair stylist working for variety of salon such as Hedge Hair and ultimately opened her own salon Coolcuts ccross from Debrecen Plaza.

Kati holds a master’s degree and many certifications from prominent hair product institutions.

In 2010, she followed the love of her life – Bosco, to Austin where they have an adorable 2‐year old Bryan, Bryan is ready for international travel with a U.S. and Hungarian passport. (Bryan did visit his grandma and other relatives in Debrecen recent last year).

Kati has also experienced Japan, Ireland and India as part of her travel itinerary. In addition to running her own salon, Kati is a part time instructor with Vidal Sassoon accredited Avenue Five Institute where she educates and inspires young minds aspire for the highest quality in hair stylist career path.

Kati prefers warm weather so Austin is her dream destination. In addition Austin has a wide mix of culture, cuisine and people that keeps Kati cheerful. She is also a member of the Austin Hungarian Association (AHA) and engages in their social and community programs when possible.

“I miss my family, my mother’s cooking and my grandma’s subtle sarcasm which are so humorous J

Kati had her share of struggle as she converted her European academics to American transcript as well as obtaining necessary permits to start her business.
There are also many differences in hair styling between America and Europe,” says Kati.

Example: it takes 3 years of education followed by a year of work experience to become a hair stylist in Hungary, while in America you can take 1,500 hours (a huge difference) of schooling in a private institute and obtain your hair stylist license.

Kati is here to stay with occasional visits to her home country.  If possible she and her husband Bosco  would like to retire in Ireland in a small green cottage by the Dublin bay area.

Haute European Salon & Beauty Products
4533 Ruiz street Austin TX 78723
S: (512) 368-­‐5880
C: (512) 797-­‐9351

Email Katalin
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